The Garden Consultant

The Sculpted Plant

To make your garden a thriving, healthy, growing natural space.

The Garden Consultation

Book a consultation for 60 - 90 minutes in your garden whereby I will observe, test, analyze and diagnose the existing garden. I will create a Garden Plan detailing the condition of the soil, the plants, the trees and the garden with solutions that are organic and sustainable for a thriving garden. Native and ornamental plant suggestions attracting beneficial insects and native wildlife. Multiply your plants with propagation techniques. For healthy and rewarding affordable cooking, the sustainable self sufficient Edible Garden. I will walk with you through your garden for 60 minutes describing the report with solutions, suggestions and diagnoses. For a do-it-yourself manual to make your garden thrive. If you require the gardener, the planter or the espeliar artist, I am available to do upon request.


Thriving plants and gardens require healthy soil with the right acidity level, abundance of micro & macro-organisms, the right level of clay and sand with a rich colour.

Mulch & Compost

Healthy soil requires mulch and compost to promote growth in the plants. Solutions for making your own compost and selecting the right mulch for the right location.

Nutrition & Health

Plants may grow in your garden and yet are not flourishing. They may have a nutrient deficiency which affects growth, flowering and fruiting. With simple solutions, your garden may thrive again.

Pests & Diseases

Plants are affected by pests, which affect their growth, flowering and fruiting. Diseases impair growth. Organic solutions for vigorous growth.


Regular maintenance is essential for a thriving, and flourishing garden.


Watering solutions for a regular irrigation system for the soil, the roots and the plants that will nourish the garden.

Plant Identification

Identify the plants in your garden.


Organic fertilizers for natural, environmental solutions for a thriving and healthy garden.

Plants & Planting

Planting suggestions for spaces amongst your garden. Groundcovers, shrubs, annuals & perennials and trees ornamental trees.

Natives & Planting

Native plants are unique and adapted to our environment and climate, provide a food source and habitat for native birds and wildlife. Native suggestions for spaces in your garden.

Plants & Wildlife

A garden of butterflies, ladybirds, bees and birds is a thriving garden. Wildlife add life to your plants and create a living garden of biodiversity.


Growing your own herbs is a rewarding experience and a sustainable way to eat healthy.


Sustainability and self sufficient gardening for a healthy and rewarding addition to your cooking.


Fruit trees in the garden add character and fruits for you to eat.


Propogating your plants is a creative and affordable way to add plants to your garden.


The ancient art of Espeliar for shaping fruits trees and trees and plants in a limited space along fences and garden lattices.

Pricing $175

Inclusive of:

60-90 minutes consultation

Do-It-Yourself manual of how to make your Garden Thrive

60 minutes, walk through your garden explaining the Do-it-Yourself Manual

Custom Made Garden Designs

If you require a planting design for any of your garden spaces, native or ornamental, a custom made design and quote can be done for your individual needs.


Garden Shop

For online convenience, purchase The Garden Consultation with your preferred date and time of booking and I will contact you with either confirmation or discuss alternative date and time.

Once The Garden Consultation has been undertaken, a detailed plan will be emailed to you within 3 business days and a second consultation appointment booked for a 1 hour discussion in your garden on how the make your garden thrive.

Garden Plans

The Results

“A Garden thriving and glowing, natural as nature is ”